Compared with individuals with a CD4 count ≥350 cells/μL at the time of SAB diagnosis, the adjusted IRR was 10.2 (95% CI 6.0–17.3) for individuals in the lowest CD4 cell count stratum (<100 cells/μL). IDU as HIV transmission group, nonsuppressed HIV RNA and lack of HAART remained significantly associated with
SAB. Compared with MSM, IDUs were at a 5-fold increased risk of SAB. Table 5 OSI-744 order shows the multivariate analysis repeated after stratification on HIV transmission group. Latest CD4 count <100 cells/μL remained the strongest predictor for SAB in all the groups, although the association was much more pronounced in the MSM group, with an IRR of 31.1 compared with 3.8 for IDUs. In this study, we found that the incidence of SAB among HIV-infected individuals declined between 1995 and 2007, but remained higher than that among HIV-uninfected individuals. The burden of SAB was unevenly distributed among groups of HIV-infected individuals, with IDUs having a higher IR than other transmission groups. Among HIV-infected individuals, immunodeficiency was the strongest predictor
of SAB, although this association was much more pronounced in the MSM group compared with the IDUs. IDU, nonsuppressed HIV RNA and lack of HAART were also predictors of SAB. However, the origin of SAB is likely to differ fundamentally by HIV transmission group. Few population-based studies of SAB in HIV-infected and uninfected
learn more individuals have been carried out and to our knowledge this is the largest study yet. Senthilkumar et al. [4] investigated 84 cases of SAB, of which seven were recurrent episodes. The study, which included men diagnosed with SAB from 1994 to 1997, reported an IRR of 16.5 for HIV-associated SAB. The majority of cases were related to intravascular devices delivering intravenous treatments required for manifestations of severe immunodeficiency. Our study supports the findings that SAB in the MSM group is largely HA and associated with low CD4 cell counts, suggesting that MSM mafosfamide acquired SAB while being treated for AIDS-associated diseases. By including men and women from all HIV transmission groups over a longer, contemporary time period, we have added further knowledge to this field. We found that IDUs predominantly had CA SAB acquired at higher CD4 cell counts. These cases are presumably related to active drug injection. However, the IDUs’ risk of SAB increased at lower CD4 cell counts, indicating that immunodeficiency per se increased the risk of SAB. We further found that IRs and IRRs varied considerably over time and by HIV transmission group. Our IRR of 42 in the early time period is 2.5-fold higher than that reported by Senthilkumar et al. and probably reflects the higher proportion of IDUs in our study population. A population-based study by Laupland et al.