p65, 1 �� 106 U937 cells were treated or not treated for 1 hour with PTX, MG132 or PTX MG132. We employed Alexa FluorW 647mouse anti human Bcl 2 and Alexa FluorW 647 mouse anti human Bcl XL proteins and Alexa FluorW 647 mouse anti human NF ��B p65 antibodies. The unlike staining procedures were according to protocol for detecting protein or activation of the phosphorylation state by flow cytometry. An appropriate isotype control was utilized in each test to adjust for background fluor escence, and the results are represented as the mean fluorescence intensity of Bcl 2, Bcl XL proteins, and phosphorylated p65 protein. For each sample, at least 20,000 events were acquired in a FACSAria I cell sorter and data were processed with FACSDiva software.
Quantitative real time PCR Total RNA of the U937 cells was obtained after 3 hours of incubation with the different treatments using the Purelink Micro to Midi purification system for total RNA. The DNAc was synthesized begin ning with 5 ug of total RNA utilizing the Superscript III First Strand Synthesis Supermix kit. Real Time PCR was carried out with the System Light CyclerW 2. 0, for which we employed DNA Master plus SYBR Green I. The PCR program consisted of an initial 10 min step at 95 C, and 40 cycles of 15 sec at 95 C, 5 sec at 60 C, and 15 sec cycles at 72 C. Analysis of the PCR products was carried out with Light CyclerW soft ware. Data are presented in rela tive normalized quantities employing L32 ribosomal gene expression to verify the specificity of the amplified reac tion, which was nearly 100%.
The oligonucleotides were designed in the data base of nucleo tides of the Gen Bank of the National Information Center for Biotechnology using the oligo v. 6 program. Statistical analysis All experiments were carried out in triplicate and were repeated three times. The values represent mean standard deviation of the values obtained. Statistical ana lysis was performed with the non parametric Mann Whitney U test considering p 0. 05 as significant. In some experiments, we calculated the %, which repre sents the percentage of increase or diminution in rela tion to the corresponding untreated control group. For the different gene expressions, we consid ered significant variations as at 30% compared with the constitutive gene. The committee of ethics, biosafety and research of CIBO approved the study with the number 1305 2005 16.
Results PTX and MG132 proteasome inhibitor induce a decrease in viability in U937 cells We evaluated the effect on viability of U937 leukemic cells treated with both drugs. PTX, MG132, Carfilzomib or PTX MG132 induce inhibition of cell viability in time dependent man ner. In the case of PTX or PTX MG132 treated cells, these treatments at 18 hours exhibited simi lar behavior inducing around 60% of diminution of cell viability. These values practically did not change in the other times. In contrast, at this same time the cellular viability was slightly together modified by MG132 treatment and reached similar val