Functional studies indicate that MSX2 induces cyclin D1 and E1 expression, is involved in RAS mediated cellular transformation and drives epithelial to mesenchymal transition through downregu lation of epithelial selleck chemical markers. Lanigan et al. showed that MSX2 expression is significantly elevated in both luminal B and HER2 enriched molecular subtypes of breast cancer, despite being associated with good prognosis. We identified multiple consensus progesterone response element sequences up and downstream of the MSX2 transcriptional start site using MatInspector Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries software. In particular, one PRE aligned with a region of known PR recruitment, based on the PR cistrome. Recall that MSX2 is transcriptionally upregulated in response to progestin treatment of T47D or MCF 7 cells stably or inducibly expressing SUMO deficient PR, but not WT receptors.
To investigate direct recruitment of PR to the PRE enhan cer region of MSX2, we treated cells consti tutively expressing either WT or KR PR with R5020, and performed ChIP assays. Fol lowing progestin treatment, both WT and KR PR were readily Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries detected at the PRE enhancer region, although we detected no transcriptional activity in progestin treated cells expressing WT PR. Notably, significantly more SUMO deficient KR PR was recruited to the MSX2 enhancer locus relative to that of WT PR. This finding repeated in cells expres sing inducible PR as well as at PRE containing enhancers of multiple other genes upregu lated by SUMO deficient PR. We then investigated the recruitment of a common PR tran scriptional coactivator, cAMP response element binding protein binding protein to the MSX2 enhancer locus.
CBP interacts with multiple nuclear receptors, functions as a transcriptional scaffold, and has histone acetyltransferase activity. Using ChIP assays, we determined that upon progestin treat ment, CBP recruitment to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the MSX2 locus is signifi cantly elevated in cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries expressing SUMO deficient KR PR, but not WT PR. Consistent with the increased presence of this coactivator associated with KR PR, we observed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries increased recruitment of total and functionally active phospho Ser5 RNA polymerase II to the MSX2 proximal promoter region in progestin trea ted cells expressing iKR PR relative to cells expressing iWT PR. These data may explain why, although WT PR is clearly recruited to this region in the presence of progestin, significant mRNA expression does not occur.
We previously reported constitutive asso ciation of deSUMOylated PRs and steroid receptor coactivator opposite 1 at endogenous gene loci. Histone tail modifications are epigenetic modifications known to significantly impact chromatin dynamics and thereby affect changes in gene expression. Generally, histone H3 Lys4 dimethylation is an epigenetic mark associated with tran scriptional activation.