Apparently, the amount and intensity of the metachromatic matrix is higher in the culture treated by 0.01 µM BIO. Metachromasia is the property imparted to the cartilage tissue by glycosaminoglycan-rich proteoglycan such as aggrecan. figure 3 Representative sections from the chondrogenic culture of mouse passaged-3 MSC at day 21. Relatively more metachromatic matrix seemed to be produced at the culture treated with 0.01 µM BIO Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Bar=200 µm). Expression Pattern of Cartilage-Related
Molecules Sox9: At day 5, the expression level of Sox9 was low at all the BIO-treated cultures. At day 14, there was a statistically significant increase in the expression level of Sox9 in cultures with 0.01 and 0.05 µM BIO (P=0.01). In this regard, the level of expression was higher in the culture with 0.01 than 0.05 µM BIO. At day 21, this cartilage-specific transcription factor was downregulated at all the BIO treated-cultures, so that there was no
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical statistical difference between the groups. In the control group, Sox9 expression reached a peak at day 21 (figure 4A). Figure 4 Expression pattern of three cartilage-specific genes. A) Sox 9: This transcription factor upregulated at day 14 of the cultures treated by 0.01 and 0.05 µM BIO (*indicates a P=0.01). In the control group, upregulation of this molecule occurred … Aggrecan: At day 5, there was relatively Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a significant upregulation of aggrecan in cultures with 0.01 µM BIO (P=0.01). In this group, the level of aggrecan expression was further increased at day 14 compared with that in the other groups. At day 21, the expression level of this cartilage-specific gene decreased in all the BIO-treated groups Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (P=0.05). At this day, there was no significant difference between the cultures (figure 4B). In the control group, aggrecan appeared to be upregulated at day 21. Collagen II: Regarding collagen expression, a similar pattern as with Sox 9 was observed in the studied cultures Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (figure 4C). Expression Pattern of Wnt-Related Molecules At day 5, TCF (T-cell
factor), a key molecule of the Wnt signaling pathway, was upregulated in all the studied cultures. from In this regard, the upregulation level was higher in chondrogenic culture with 0.01 µM BIO (P=0.01). This marker of the Wnt pathway was progressively downregulated towards the end of the cultivation period in all the studied cultures (figure 5A). A similar expression pattern was observed regarding beta-catenin expression, the other key molecule of the Wnt signaling pathway, in the BIO-treated cultures (figure 5B). Figure 5 Relative expression of the Wnt-related molecules. A) TCF as the key transcription factor in the Wnt-pathway upregulated at day 5 in all the studied culture. In this term, the culture with 0.01 µM BIO had a significant difference compared to the …