9 Adult forebrain neural stem cells were discovered in 199210 in the adult remnant of the embryonic brain germinal zone surrounding the lateral ventricle. Evidence for their participation in repopulating the adult lateral ventricular subependyma following irradiation11 led to the hypothesis that neural stem cells also exist after the embryonic and fetal period, similarly to hematopoietic stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells in adult animals can restore different blood cell types. For a long time it has been thought that once a cell had been programmed to produce a particular tissue, its fate was sealed and it could Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical not reprogram itself to form another tissue. Conirarily to this view, reactivation of dormant
genetic programs appears to work under certain circumstances. Intriguingly, stem cells from brains of adult mice have been shown to possess the potential to become functional blood cells.12 Similar results Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the inverse case were reported, ie, multipotential mesenchymal cells transformed
into neural cells – astrocytes in this case.13 According to Fred H. Gage, the term Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical “neural stem cell” should therefore be used with caution to describe cells that “a) screening assay generate neural tissue, b) are capable of selfrenewal, and c) give rise to cells other than themselves through asymmetric cell division.”14 In fact, when the issue of lineage specificity of adult neural stem and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical progenitor cells is considered, there is abundant reason for caution regarding the term neural stem cell. The ability of bone marrow stem cells to generate astrocytes,13 the finding that astrocyte-like cells in the subependyma are neural stem cells,15,16 and that oligodendrocyte-precursors contribute neural stem cell-like cells17 – all these findings soften the theoretical distinction between stem and progenitor cells. All this makes it really difficult to decide which type of stem cells one should Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical use for transplantation. Even during the process of grafting stem cells they can still start to differentiate and become more restricted progenitors due to cell-cell contacts or influence of adhesion
inside the syringe. Further, neural stem cell research suffers dearly from the lack of an antibody specifically identifying neural stem cells. Detecting stem cells ad hoc and not ex post remains a problem. Putative stem cells need to differentiate into their derivative neural cell subpopulations before one can positively identify them PAK6 as regular neural stem cells. In the past, efforts to generate antibodies against adult stem cells did not prove sustainability.18,19 There are certain advantages of adult over embryonic stem cells in that the former may be easier to manage. ES cells tend to differentiate spontaneously- into all kinds of specified tissue. For example, when injected subcutaneously into immunocompromised mice they grow into teratomas, tumors consisting of numerous cell types ranging from gut to skin.