To demonstrate this association further, we immunoprecipitated SHP-1 and found that FcRγ is co-immunoprecipitated in macrophages following treatment with MIP8a Fab, and this association was dependent on anti-FcαRI Fab, but not CpG-ODN, stimulation (Fig. 12a).
No association between SHP-1 and FcRγ was found after multivalent cross-linking of FcαRI (data not shown), confirming data described previously for FcαRI pull-downs [16]. Therefore, we directly tested the role of SHP-1 activity selleck chemicals llc in CpG-ODN-stimulated peripheral macrophages supporting SHP-1 involvement in ITAM-mediated inhibition of different receptor systems. As shown in Fig. 12b, MIP8a Fab pretreatment strongly induced activation of SHP-1 measured by Sensolyte pNPP protein phosphatase assay kit. These results support SHP-1 involvement in ITAM-mediated inhibition of the TLR-9 signalling systems. We have demonstrated recently that inhibitory signalling by myeloid FcαRI, in addition to its proinflammatory function, could trigger a powerful anti-inflammatory effect [6,16]. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis that inhibitory signals via FcαRI could block TLR-9 signal transduction that APO866 research buy was thought to be a key player in the development of renal inflammation. To address these issues, we used an HAF-CpG-GN experimental model that could aggravate HAF immune complex
glomerulonephrits via the enhanced TLR-9 signalling pathway. We showed that FcαRIR209L/FcRγ Tg mice treated with anti-FcαRI Fab have decreased susceptibility to HAF-CpG-GN via the TLR-9 signalling pathway. Adoptive transfer experiments confirmed a critical role for FcαRI in the negative regulation of macrophage function PLEK2 in HAF-CpG-GN. Taken together, our data demonstrate that monovalent targeting of FcαRI mediates a decreased influx of macrophages, thereby improving renal function in CpG-ODNs models of renal disease. Because potent inhibitory ITAM (iITAM) signalling triggered by monovalent targeting
of FcαRI requires an associated FcRγ chain [6], we generated a novel transgenic mouse expressing the FcαRIR209L/FcRγ chimeric receptor (FcαRIR209L/FcRγ Tg). Unexpectedly, this Tg mouse did not show any signs of inflammation in a spontaneous course of at least 12 months (data not shown), whereas FcαRI Tg mice spontaneously developed massive mesangial IgA deposition, glomerular and interstitial macrophage infiltration, mesangial matrix expansion, haematuria and mild proteinuria [14,19]. The molecular mechanism was shown to involve soluble FcαRI released after interaction with IgA, and this release was independent of the FcαRI association with the FcRγ chain [21]. In the present study, we demonstrated that mouse IgA did not induce shedding of FcαRI from macrophage transfectants expressing FcαRIR209L associated with FcRγ (I3D) (Fig. 1e). However, a mutated receptor could not be associated with the FcRγ induced shedding of soluble FcαRI (Fig. 1e).