This suggests that in the absence

of other facilitators o

This suggests that in the absence

of other facilitators of transmission such as sexually transmitted infections, ART would be expected to be as effective in reducing infectiousness in men who have sex with men and other populations as it is in heterosexuals. Indirect evidence comes from a study of men who have sex with men attending HIV treatment services where ART was associated with a 96% reduction in HIV transmission [10]. Condoms should still be recommended to protect from other sexually transmitted infections, and to lower further any residual selleck inhibitor risk of transmission. Patients should be informed that taking ART does not result in immediate viral suppression. Studies have shown that the mean time to suppression of VL to <50 copies/mL in patients taking ART is about 90 days, and that a proportion may take 9 months or more [11]. Patients should also be informed about the possibility of virological failure leading to transmission of HIV. Decisions click here on condom use and safer sex should always be based on a recent VL test result and not on an assumption that taking ART implies non-infectiousness. For serodiscordant heterosexual couples wishing to conceive, irrespective of the method used for conception, the HIV-positive partner will need to be on ART with an undetectable plasma VL, regardless of his/her CD4 cell count or clinical status. This is likely

to reduce the risk of transmission sufficiently to be the only risk-reduction method some couples will want, but additional measures such as sperm washing, artificial insemination and potentially pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the HIV-negative

partner have either been recommended in previous guidance [12] or are currently being assessed for couples wishing to address concerns of any residual risk of transmission. Details of the use of ART to prevent mother-to-child transmission are covered in the BHIVA guidelines for the management of HIV infection in pregnant women 2012 [13]. “
“The study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of third-trimester antenatal HIV testing within our service after two cases of HIV seroconversion in pregnancy were noted in 2008. North American Guidelines recommend universal third-trimester HIV testing tetracosactide in areas with an HIV prevalence of more than 1 per 1000. The HIV prevalence rate in our area is 3.01 per 1000. Pregnant women prior to 28 weeks of gestation were recruited at booking between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 and offered an additional third-trimester HIV test. Consent was obtained and testing was performed by hospital and community midwives. Information was entered into a modified existing electronic maternity database. A qualitative e-mail survey of midwives investigated barriers to participation in the study. A total of 4134 women delivered; three (< 0.1%) declined first-trimester testing. Twenty-two women (0.5%) tested HIV positive, of whom six were newly diagnosed.

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