This is research use most likely due to the increasing level of TopoIIa on chromatin. Geminin overexpression triggers TopoIIa premature deSUMOylation and release from chromosomes in vivo To learn how geminin overexpression prematurely releases TopoIIa from chromosomes, we looked for modifications that target and or release TopoIIa from chromosomes. It was shown recently that TopoIIa recruitment to chromosomes depends on its state of SUMOylation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries by the complex RanBP2 Ubc9, while its departure Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from chromosomes depends on its state of deSUMOylation. We reasoned that geminin overex pression perhaps affects TopoIIa SUMOylation and or deSUMOylation. Although increased levels of RanBP2, Ubc9, Pan SUMO and TopoIIa Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries were detected in induced Gem9 cells compared to HME cells, anti TopoIIa antibody coimmunoprecipitated low levels of RanBP2, Ubc9 and Pan SUMO from induced Gem9 as compared to HME cells.
Consistently, although more TopoIIa was immunoprecipitated from induced Gem9 cells compared to control cells, the immunopre cipitated TopoIIa was not SUMOylated in these cells. To our knowledge, no specific deSUMOylating Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries enzyme has yet been identified for TopoIIa. The sen trin specific proteases SENP1 and SENP2 are two deSU MOylating enzymes with a wide range of substrates. We first evaluated whether geminin interacts with these enzymes. One milligram of HME or induced Gem9 cell chromatin was immunoprecipitated using anti geminin or anti Sp1 antibody. SENP1, SENP2 and TopoIIa were coimmunoprecipitated with anti geminin antibody, but not anti Sp1 antibody, from the chromatin of HME and induced Gem9.
Although the expression levels of SENP1 and SENP2 were not chan ged by geminin overexpression, the level of each enzyme immunoprecipitated with geminin anti body from induced Gem9 chromatin was much higher than that immunoprecipitated from HME chromatin. Furthermore, the geminin SENP1 complex Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries seems to form on the chromatin of G2, M and M G1 cells and not on the chromatin of S cells in HME and Gem9 cells. In contrast, a geminin SENP2 complex seems to form on the chromatin of M and M G1 but not on the chromatin of G2 M or S of HME cells, whereas in induced Gem9 cells the complex forms on G2 M, M and M G1 cells but not on S cells. These inter actions seem to follow the expression of SENP1 and SENP2.
While it is possible that the lack of SENP2 in these phases is the reason for the lack of binding between geminin and SENP2, at this moment the lack of binding between geminin and SENP1 in the S phase is less obvious. It is possible that the two proteins are differentially modified in the G2 M early G1 phase in such GDC-0449 a way that allows them to bind each other that does not exist in the S phase. Another possibility is that the two are separated in space in the S phase but not in the G2 M early G1 phase.