These tumors can be often followed with close clinical and imaging follow-up. It is important to educate the patient and family regarding potential presenting symptoms. Most SEGAs, even in the presence INK 128 solubility dmso of ventricular dilatation, do not present acutely because of the insidious growth of the lesion and gradual development of hydrocephalus. The indication for treatment
includes new onset of symptoms or radiological evidence of tumor growth. These patients may be treated surgically or medically in accordance with other factors, as stated previously (Fig 2). Other important factors that must be considered in decision-making include both the age and the cognitive status of the patient. Many TSC patients are significantly developmentally delayed and thus may not be able to convey early or subtle symptoms. SEGAs invasive to neighboring structures such as fornix (especially the dominant one), hypothalamus, basal ganglia, or genu of
internal capsule, have a higher associated surgical morbidity.32 Similarly, large-sized tumors are associated with higher morbidity because of the need for more aggressive tissue retraction and higher bleeding risks. Recurrent tumors may suggest a more invasive nature of the tumor.27 These conditions favor mTORi (Fig 3). Medical treatment is favored as well in the case of multiple tumors, which are often bilateral, and lesion(s) for which gross total resection is unlikely, as residual tumor invariably will regrow (Figure 3 and Figure 4). Not all neurosurgeons have extensive Inhibitor Library experience with intraventricular tumors in general or SEGAs in particular. mTORi as a single treatment, or as neoadjuvant (before resection) treatment, may shrink the
tumor and increase surgical safety or obviate the need for surgery at all. Contraindication to surgery posed by cardiac, renal, or pulmonary function would balance for mTORi, too.33 Despite their benign nature, cardiac rhabdomyomas may cause arrhythmias and cardiac dysfunction, especially during infancy. Renal and pulmonary dysfunctions are rare but may pose a high surgical-anesthesiological risk, especially in adults. In addition, mTORi ID-8 may offer benefits that can never be expected from a neurosurgical procedure in this population, such as reduction in angiomyolipoma volume, improvement in facial angiofibromas, and improvement in pulmonary function when intercurrent lymphangioleiomyomatosis is present.34, 35 and 36 Recent studies have suggested a beneficial effect on epilepsy as well.26, 37, 38 and 39 Additionally, early treatment with mTORi may alter the natural disease course and prevent the development of TSC-related lesions.40 Thus, when contemplating treatment options in patients with other TSC-related comorbidities that may benefit from mTORi, this should be favored over surgery.