The position of the GSK1120212 deconvoluted CL luminescence bands slightly changes with the irradiation. The two main contributions
are situated at 2.06 and 2.21 eV for the NR sample, at 2.01 and 2.13 eV for the sample irradiated with an intermediate fluence, and at 2.05 and 2.17 eV for the sample irradiated with the highest one. As mentioned, there is an important diminution of the whole visible band with respect to the NBE emission with the irradiation process, especially the diminution of the 2.05 eV contribution. A residual additional band at 1.96 eV, deduced from the convolution process, remains nearly without changes. Figure 3 Normalized CL spectra collected on individual NWs. Unirradiated (NR) and irradiated areas with fluences of 1.5 × 1016 cm−2 and 1017 cm−2. An increase of the NBE emission with respect to the visible band as the irradiation fluence increases is observed (see the inset). Gaussian deconvolution bands are also shown. The differences in the observed luminescence bands between μPL and CL spectra can be a consequence of the different excitation conditions used in both kinds of measurements. Indeed, some authors have reported noticeable differences in the shape of the visible band in ZnO NWs depending on the PL excitation conditions [43]. Since the relative intensity of the defect emission bands can be significantly affected by the excitation power conditions and taking into account the controversial results reported
in the literature for the different FER contributions (GL, YL, and RL) [42], caution needs to be taken to assign an exact origin for the DLEs in our NWs as well XMU-MP-1 datasheet as to explain
the changes observed between the μPL and CL results. From all these considerations, the main conclusion from our analysis is the diminution of the DLE with respect to the NBE in the NWs with the increase of the irradiation fluence. Characterization by suitable techniques to understand the correlation between structural and optical properties is of particular interest. For this purpose, morphological and structural measurements of individual ZnO NWs have been performed by CTEM and HR-TEM techniques and compared with the optical results. Figure 4a,b shows TEM images of two representative ZnO NWs extracted from an unirradiated and 2-kV irradiated area, respectively. Due to their common origin, any morphological changes between them must be related to the irradiation process (assuming a similar morphology of as-grown NWs, according to the observed NWs in the unirradiated areas). From the CTEM images, the NWs from the unirradiated areas seem to be formed by two regions with different diameters: a relatively conical base which sharpens up to a certain height and over it a top section with relatively constant radius. However, most of the 2-kV irradiated wires seem to lose the upper thinner region exhibiting a conical shape with a homogeneous but strong diameter decrease (see Figure 4b).