The percentage of fallers was 4.0% lower in the intervention group as compared with the usual care group and the
costs were Euro 902 higher, resulting in an ICER of 226. In other words, the costs per percentage decrease in fallers are 226 Euros. Since the percentage of recurrent fallers was higher in the intervention than in the usual care group, the ICER for recurrent falling was negative (ICER = −280). The acceptability curves show that the maximum probability of cost-effectiveness with respect to the proportion of fallers was obtained at a ceiling ratio of Euro 10,000 (Fig. 2). This indicates that if Euro 10,000 were invested, the probability that the intervention would reduce the percentage of fallers by 1% was 0.80. Likewise, if Euro 300,000 selleck kinase inhibitor were invested, the probability that the intervention would improve the quality of life (utility) by one point was only about 0.30. Since the costs were higher and effects were smaller for the outcome recurrent fallers, the intervention was not cost-effective
at any given ceiling ratio and therefore this curve was not included in Fig. 2. Table 4 Mean health care, patient and family, ACY-738 mw and total costs in Euros in the intervention and usual care groups Intervention (n = 106) Usual care (n = 111) Bootstrap 95% CI Healthcare costs 5995 (8399) 4858 (7606) −1091 to 3371 – General GPX6 practitionera
167 (242) 136 (144) −12 to 101 – Hospital-relatedb 2195 (4755) 1720 (3950) −672 to 1741 – Paramedic and alternative medicinec 894 (1067) 644 (861) −8 to 526 – Formal cared 1369 (4338) 1614 (5827) −1945 to 980 – Medicatione 1370 (4870) 745 (685) 64 to 2655 Patient and family costs 404 (695) 409 (1079) −339 to 207 – Informal caref 313 (682) 310 (1080) −298 to 217 – Other costsg 90 (111) 99 (91) −37 to 23 Costs in other sectors 1332 (2203) 1566 (3285) −1133 to 445 – Transportationh 413 (1202) 739 (2623) −1137 to 241 – Healthcare devices, aids and adaptationsi 843 (1543) 759 (1613) −355 to 538 Total costs 7740 (9129) 6838 (8623) −1534 to 3357 learn more Presented are pooled means (SD) and the bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals in Euros aGeneral practitioner consultations (including telephone consultations and home visits) bSpecialized physician consultations (e.g. ophthalmologist, internal physician, geriatrician) emergency department consultations, hospital admittance and surgeries cConsultations of physiotherapist, occupational therapist and other therapists including alternative medicine dHome care (i.e.