The dose of euthanasia solution was based on the body weight determined on the day of euthanasia. Dogs were fasted 12 h immediately prior to euthanasia in order to decrease the amount of material in the intestinal tract. The abdominal cavity was opened along the ventral midline and double ligatures were placed at the cardia of
the stomach and at the distal rectum prior to removal of the gastrointestinal tract from the abdominal cavity. The stomach was opened along the greater curvature and the contents collected in a suitable container. The mucosa was thoroughly scrubbed, rinsed with water and the washings combined with the gastric contents. The mucosa was inspected selleck inhibitor and any attached parasites were removed and preserved in 10% formalin or other suitable preservative. In a similar manner, the small and large intestines were opened along their entire length and the contents and mucosa were collected, thoroughly rinsed with water and the scrapings/washings from the mucosa were combined. The mucosa was inspected and any attached
parasites were removed and preserved in 10% formalin. The gastric and intestinal contents learn more and rinsing fluids were washed over appropriately sized sieve(s) and any material that retained in the sieve(s) was preserved in 10% formalin. Worm recovery and identification were performed by appropriately trained and experienced individuals. Prior to examining the preserved worms and washings, formalin was removed by sedimentation and/or washing. Recovered worms were examined
microscopically, identified to genus Oxymatrine and species based on characteristics of the buccal plates. The number of adult A. braziliense recovered from each dog was recorded along with the number of other adult worms recovered from each dog. Twelve dogs were randomized to each group to increase the probability of having at least six dogs adequately infected in the placebo control group indicating an adequate test. The individual dog was the experimental unit. Efficacy was determined on the basis of the percent reduction in adult worm counts in the treated groups compared to the placebo control group. Arithmetic and geometric means of all A. braziliense counts were calculated. Percent effectiveness was calculated using the following formula: Percent Effectiveness=100*cc−ctccwhere cc = geometric mean number of adult A. braziliense in the control group and ct = geometric mean number of adult A. braziliense in the treatment group. There were separate calculations for each treatment group. Since the calculation of the geometric mean involved taking the logarithm of the A. braziliense count of each animal, a “1” was added to the A. braziliense count for every animal in every group since there were A. braziliense counts equal to zero. This constant (1) was subtracted from the resultant calculated geometric mean prior to calculating percent effectiveness. Percent effectiveness based on ≥90% reduction in A.