Table 3 Frequency of injuries and severity by object impacted acc

Table 3 Frequency of injuries and severity by object impacted according to the VRU Analysing the source of head injuries in PTW riders-and-pillions-passengers, as seen in Table 4, the highest percentage of injuries was caused by impact against the road surface (38%) and the windshield header rail (31%). Cerebral

injuries occurred from all Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical impact sources shown in the table due to the fact that the brain is more sensitive to the inertial forces caused by sudden accelerations and decelerations than the skull base or vault. The highest number of base fracture is due to the impact with windshield head rail of the car opposite. Table 4 PTW occupants: frequency of head injuries and its causes Similarly, the main passenger compartment areas more dangerous for car occupants are the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical front-door–right (26.7%), the windshield (23.3%), the dashboard (13.3%), the steering wheel (8.3%) and the head-rest and passenger (6.7%) (Table 5). Table 5 Frequency of injuries and severity by object impacted according to the car occupants The frequency percent of the MAIS3+, for different types of road users, on the body region used for the ISS calculation,

is shown in Figure 19. It shows how the body regions that report a MAIS3+ are “head or neck”, the chest, the abdominal, and the extremities. The other body parts Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical have Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a MAIS lower than 3. In each of these body parts, the road user categories with the higher percentages (greater than 30%) are car and PTW occupants, whereas cyclists have a MAIS 3+ only for the head-neck and chest. Figure 19 Frequency (%value) of the MAIS3+ for different types of road users. Discussions The analysis of the state-of-the-art

shows that Tanespimycin chemical structure deeper analysis and reconstruction of real-world accidents are an important means for VRUs and automotive safety research. The correlation of the injuries with their causes and technical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical parameters allow a better comprehension of injury mechanisms and injury tolerance levels. These studies the also give the opportunity to relate the real accident configurations and their consequences to the crash tests results. Structures causing injuries can be recognized at an early stage, and the vehicle’s dynamic response can be identified by the reconstruction. Feedback regarding the road traffic engineering can also be obtained. In 2011, the successful linkage rate between ICU patients and police information was about 80-85% of the total patients admitted to the ICU for a road accident major trauma. This is mainly due to the retrospective study of the accidents collected and, sometimes, due to the impossibility of knowing which police force has been involved in the road accident detection.

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