Such continuous
activation should at least in part be mediated by TCR triggering, because TCR modulation with anti-γδ TCR mAb reduced the high basal [Ca2+]i levels in CD8α+ γδ iIEL. Administration of anti-γδ TCR was formerly used to ‘deplete’ γδ T cells in many experimental models for human disease. Several studies have reported profound effects of γδ TCR modulation in vivo thereby highlighting an important beneficial role for γδ iIEL in the protection of epithelial tissues under inflammatory conditions 3, 51–55. By investigating the effects of the commonly used clones GL3 and UC7-13D5 on γδ T cells in TcrdH2BeGFP reporter mice we had previously reported that there is no depletion but that binding of anti-γδ TCR mAb rendered the target cells ‘invisible’ for Inhibitor Library cost further detection based on anti-γδ TCR mAb 39. However, at that time it was not further investigated what effect mAb treatment would have on γδ T-cell function in vivo. We favor a scenario where docking of the antibodies would presumably induce a limited initial activation of the γδ T cells and later would lead to a sustained down-regulation of the TCR from the cell surface. This in turn would probably
inhibit or compromise TCR triggering as suggested by the reduced basal [Ca2+]i levels in γδCD8αα+ iIEL from GL3-treated mice. This has technical implications for experimental in vivo administration of anti-γδ TCR antibody to block the biological functions of γδ iIEL. Acalabrutinib It appears that signaling through the TCR of γδ cells in repeated high-dose GL3-treated mice is at least partially blocked in vivo. Since the cells are clearly not depleted or diminished in numbers and do not lose their activated phenotype as determined by the expression of surface activation markers this implies Exoribonuclease that biological differences observed in other studies of anti-γδ TCR-treated mice further highlight the physiological role of the TCR in γδ T cells 3, 51–56. Potential future therapeutic approaches to block γδ TCR signaling in humans may thus represent promising intervention strategies. In
conclusion, the TcrdH2BeGFP reporter system enabled us to measure dynamic [Ca2+]i levels of γδ T cells in normal mice. Not ignoring the presence of NK-receptors or pattern recognition receptors expressed on γδ T cells we propose that the γδ TCR of CD8αα+ γδ iIEL is functional because it is constantly being triggered in vivo, most likely by ligands expressed on intestinal epithelial cells. F1 C57BL/6-Tcra−/−×TcrdH2BeGFP reporter mice were obtained from crossbreeding Tcra−/−57 and TcrdH2BeGFP33. Both strains were either backcrossed to or generated on a C57BL/6 genetic background, respectively. WT C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Charles River Laboratories, Sulzfeld, Germany. Mice were used with 6–12 wk of age.