Studies were conducted at two spruce-lichen study sites previously described by Hörnberg et al. (1999), Marrajåkkå 66°59′ N, 19°17′ E and Marrajegge 66°58′ N, 19°21′ E) and at a third site, Kartajauratj (66°57′ N 19°26′ E) to increase the power of our analyses. We paired each spruce-lichen stand with a reference forest characterized by spruce, pine and a feathermoss bottom layer. This paired ‘reference forest’ was used to evaluate the condition of the spruce-Cladina degraded forest relative to a near by undisturbed spruce pine forest. Each reference forest was within 1 km of the spruce-lichen
forest and separated from the degraded forest by a mire or physical depression. Reference forests were selected based on similar GSK1120212 research buy physiographic characteristics (slope, aspect, elevation) and edaphic characteristics (similar soil type, percent coarse fragments)
to minimize confounding landscape factors between the two pairs. Each stand was 2–4 ha in total area and all three sites were established in the Jokkmokk region of northern Sweden approximately 20 km west of Porjus and 50 km east of Sarek National Park. Average annual precipitation for this region is 466 mm with average January temperatures of −15.3 °C and average July temperatures of 16.3 °C (Jokkmokk Climate Station, IBDJOKKM2). Soils 5-Fluoracil in this area are all Haplocryods formed in coarse textured glacio-fluvial sediments and in their undisturbed state are characterized by the
presence of a 5–10 cm deep O horizon overlaying a 5–15 cm E horizon and a 10–30 cm Bs horizon. Soil chemical and physical properties for reference and degraded stands are presented in Table 1. The landscape is a mosaic check details of open mires and drier moraines and ridges that rise approximately 10–30 m above the mires. The reference forests on these moraines are dominated by Norway spruce and scattered birches (Betula pubescencs Ehrh.) and Scots pine. The bottom layer in these stands is dominated by the presence of dense cover of feathermosses (predominantly P. schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. with some H. splendens Hedw.) and the field layer is dominated by Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup, Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. The stands subject to frequent historic fire (Picea–Cladina forests) have a bottom layer dominated by Cladina stellaris (Opiz.) Brodo, Cladina rangiferina (L.) Wigge, Cladina mitis (Sandst.) Hustich and Stereocaulon paschale (L.) Hom., and a field layer with a sparse presence of dwarf shrubs, mainly E. hermaphroditum and V. vitis-idaea. Understory vegetation composition and basal area were determined on replicate plots in the reference forest and spruce-lichen forest at Kartajauratj. Vegetation analyses at Marrajegge and Marrajåkkå were previously reported (Hörnberg et al., 1999). Basal area of each tree species at each site was measured using a relascope with a 10-point cluster design.