RM carried out the Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) with Indium-111-DTPA-pentreotide. SS, LI participated in the sequence alignment. MFG, RG and BG participated in the design of the study and performed the statistical analysis. FBV conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved
the final manuscript.”
“Background Conventional diagnosis of cancer has been based on the examination of the morphological appearance of stained tissue specimens in the light microscope, which is subjective and depends on highly trained pathologists. Thus, the diagnostic problems may occur due to inter-observer variability. Microarrays offer the hope that cancer classification can be objective
and accurate. DNA microarrays measure thousands to millions of gene expressions at the same time, which could provide the clinicians learn more with the information click here to choose the most appropriate forms of treatment. Studies on the diagnosis of cancer based on gene expression data have been reported in great detail, however, one major challenge for the methodologists is the choice of classification methods. Proposals to solve this problem have utilized many innovations including the introduction of sophisticated algorithms for support vector machines [1] and the proposal of ensemble methods such as random forests [2]. The conceptually simple approach of linear discriminant selleck analysis (LDA) and its sibling, diagonal discriminant analysis (DDA) [3–5], remain among the most effective procedures also in the domain of high-dimensional prediction. In the present study, our main focus will be solely put on the LDA part and henceforth the term “”discriminant analysis”" will stand for the meaning of LDA unless otherwise emphasized. The traditional way Interleukin-2 receptor of doing discriminant analysis is introduced by R. Fisher, known as the linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Recently some modification of LDA have been advanced and gotten
good performance, such as prediction analysis for microarrays (PAM), shrinkage centroid regularized discriminant analysis(SCRDA), shrinkage linear discriminant analysis(SLDA) and shrinkage diagonal discriminant analysis(SDDA). So, the main purpose of this research was to describe the performance of LDA and its modification methods for the classification of cancer based on gene expression data. Cancer is not a single disease, there are many different kinds of cancer, arising in different organs and tissues through the accumulated mutation of multiple genes. Many previous studies only focused on one method or single dataset and gene selection is much more difficult in multi-class situations [6, 7]. Evaluation of the most commonly employed methods may give more accurate results if it is based on the collection of multiple databases from the statistical point of view.