relatively regionally selective fashion during cognitive behavioral therapy or other psychorehabilitative processes. Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) was recently approved for treatment of refractory depression after initially being approved as an adjunctive approach to refractory epilepsy.21-23 While not yet. widely endorsed or accepted by most, agencies involved with reimbursement, the fact that the rate of clinical improvement appears to grow over the course of a year (in contrast to most treatments which tend to show a tolerance-like process or loss of effectiveness over time), suggests that, it is likely an active treatment. Preliminary data from Marangcll, Suppes, and colleagues suggest, that VNS may also be useful in mood
unstable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and rapid cycling bipolar patients. Further studies of this modality in bipolar illness are obviously indicated in light of its promise for long-term
management, in an illness where the primary therapeutic target, is prevention of recurrences. Deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is a widely accepted procedure for patients with some types of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical refractory parkinsonism, and data are just beginning to be accumulated about, efficacy in the mood disorders. Initially, highly promising improvement, in patients with refractory depression has been accomplished by Maybcrg and colleagues24 with stimulation of area 25 in the anterior cingulate gyrus. The specificity of therapeutic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effects to this location and the optimal parameters again require considerable further study and evaluation. Over many decades, Russians teams have claimed therapeutic effects of low-level DC (direct, current.) stimulation. A series of studies suggest the promise of this procedure,25-27 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as do other approaches to manipulating low-level magnetic A769662 fields with alterations of the parameters of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI).28 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Should rTMS and these lesser invasive techniques of DC stimulation and low-level magnetic fields prove useful in preliminary controlled studies, further intensive study would appear warranted in light, of their convenience
and apparent safety. Studies in animals and man also suggest, their utility in enhancing pharmacotherapy.29 Novel mechanism of antidepressant action Given the ambiguity of antidepressant, efficacy Org 27569 in bipolar depression30 and the risks of switching or cycle acceleration,31,32 one mechanistically new drug looks highly promising. Agomelatine has a novel set, of actions, and proven antidepressant effects in unipolar depression and potential high effectiveness in bipolar depression, with an open study33 indicating about 80% response rates rather than the usual 30% to 50% rates with traditional antidepressants. Agomelatine is a serotonin (5-HT)-2c antagonist which results in the disinhibition of both dopamine and norepinephrine release, and is also a melatonin Ml and M2 receptor agonist. It is also a 5-HT2.B antagonist, like some other antidepressants and most, atypicals.