Mitochondria seem to be swollen (��9700) The central cells were spindle to stellate shaped, which were joined with adjacent cells by desmosomes. The cells contained proportionately large nuclei which were Fluoro-Sorafenib centrally located, irregularly contoured, and contained patches of chromatin and nucleoli. The cytoplasm contained RER, randomly distributed mitochondria, and tonofilaments without any polarization. Numerous dense-cored secretory granules, condensing secretory granules, and coated vesicles were also present [Figures [Figures44 and and55]. Figure 4 Many central cells showing large number of electron lucent vacuoles (ev), tonofilament bundles (Tf), and ribosomes (R) in the cytoplasm.
Nuclei (N) are large, round, and occupy most of the cell volume (��2900) Figure 5 Numerous mitochondria (M), electron lucent vacuoles (ev), and many ribosomes (R) in cytoplasm of central Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cell (��11,500) Follicular and plexiform ameloblastomas demonstrated differences Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in ultramicroscopy. Epithelial cells from Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries follicular ameloblastoma were more tightly packed than from plexiform type. The cells from follicular ameloblastoma contained many lysosomes, whereas cells from plexiform type contained many vacuoles. Tumor cells of plexiform variants also contained numerous tonofilament bundles and were joined by desmosomes, resembling squamous epithelium [Figures [Figures66 and and77]. Figure 6 Tumor cells from follicular ameloblastoma contain many lysosomes (��9700) Figure 7 Tumors cells of plexiform variants showing numerous tonofilament bundles and are joined by desmosomes, looking like squamous epithelial cells (��8200) The connective tissue stroma consisted mostly of stellate cells and fibers.
These cells were mostly fibroblasts. The cytoplasm was filled with RER, Golgi apparatus, and swollen Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mitochondria [Figure 8]. Many collagen fibers (cut in transverse and longitudinal sections) were also seen [Figure 9]. Figure 8 Connective tissue cell cytoplasm containing highly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) (��4800) Figure 9 Electron micrograph showing connective tissue cell (C) and collagen fibers cut in longitudinal section (Ls) and transverse section (Ts) (��4800) The epithelial�Cconnective tissue interface was relatively smooth. The epithelial cells adjacent to junction Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries contained many mitochondria. There were no changes in the basal lamina. There was no evidence of secretion of dentinal or enamel matrix, further supporting our findings that the tumor cells Brefeldin_A were in very early stage of development [Figures [Figures1010 and and1111]. Figure 10 Electron micrograph showing junction of epithelium and connective tissue. Basal lamina (bl) is relatively smooth (��12,000) Figure 11 Ultramicrograph showing epithelium-connective tissue interface (Jx).