In principle, MERIS operates in a range enabling the detection of

In principle, MERIS operates in a range enabling the detection of pigments like phycocyanin (cyanobacteria), which have specific absorption minima near wavelength 630 nm and local maxima

at wavelength 650 nm ( Kutser et al. 2006). A series of upwelling events along the northern and southern coasts of the Gulf of Finland occurred in July–August 2006. Westerly winds were dominant in July, generating moderate upwelling along the northern coast of the Gulf. Easterly winds then prevailed during the whole of August, and as a result, very intense upwelling was observed along the southern coast. The upwelling events were well documented by several studies based on in situ measurements of physical, biological and chemical parameters (Suursaar and Aps, 2007, Lips et al., 2009 and Lips and Lips, 2010). In

addition, GSK3235025 research buy remote sensing data (MERIS and MODIS) are available from that period to monitor the variability of SST and phytoplankton chlorophyll a fields. The objectives of this study were: (1) to validate the MERIS chlorophyll product retrieved with the Ku-0059436 order Free University of Berlin (FUB) case 2 waters processor using in situ measurements of Chl a, and (2) to assess the spatial and temporal variability of the Chl a field caused by consecutive upwelling events using MERIS data. This paper is structured as follows: section 2 describes the in situ, remote sensing and wind data, as well as the methodology; in section 3, the comparability of in situ and satellite chlorophyl a data is evaluated, the sequence of upwelling events is described on the basis of MODIS SST, MERIS chlorophyll is compared with in situ chlorophyl a, and the upwelling-related variability Resveratrol of the chlorophyl a field from MERIS data is described; section 4 discusses the results of the SST and chlorophyl

a surface distributions; the final conclusions are drawn in section 5. The in situ data were obtained during five surveys (Table 1) conducted along the same transect between Tallinn and Helsinki (Kuvaldina et al. 2010). Water samples for phytoplankton and Chl a analysis were collected from 14 stations, each about 5.2 km apart ( Figure 1). Three (but two in the case of the shallow upper mixed layer) water samples were taken from the upper mixed layer (UML, from a depth of 1 m down to the seasonal thermocline) to form a pooled sample for each station. The depth of the UML was determined from the CTD profile, which preceded water sampling. Chl a content was measured spectrophotometrically (Thermo Helios γ; photometric accuracy: ± 0.005 A at 1 A) from the pooled samples in the laboratory ( HELCOM 1988). On 19–20 July, two (TH19, TH21) out of five pooled samples were cloud-free on the satellite imagery. Because of inclement weather conditions, only surface samples (n = 8) were collected at stations TH1–TH15. Phytoplankton species composition and biomass were analysed for each survey from pooled samples (Lips & Lips 2010).

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