In contrast, only three of the 11 tumours from which no cell line could be established, and from which material had been sent for short-term culturing, had complex karyotypes. The remaining eight cases either failed to grow in vitro (seven cases), or showed an abnormal karyotype with simple changes (one case). There was no aberration in common among the tumours that yielded viable cell lines, this website and it was noted that none of them displayed homogeneous staining regions. Only minor changes were noted when comparing the karyotypes obtained after short-term culturing of primary tumours and in the corresponding cell lines (data not shown). The established cell lines Three cell lines showed TP53 mutations,
two in exon 7 and one in exon 5 (Table 4). Two of the mutations, one in exon 5 and one in exon 7, were missense mutations,
and one in exon 7 was a deletion. Two of the three cell lines with TP53 mutation also showed CCND1 overexpression; one of these had CCND1 amplification according to FISH. No cell line showed CCND1 amplification without TP53 mutation. Table 4 Characteristics of the established cell lines regarding proliferation parameters, DNA content and gene expression. Cell line Flowcytometry (n = 1) Immunohistochemistry (n = 3) PCR_SSCP (n = 1) FISH (n = 1) Cytogenetics (n = 1) LU-HNxSCC Ploidity DNA indices S%phase Cyclin D1 Tp53 Cyclin D1 3 Diploid (p4) 1 ND* A 0 0 not complex 4 Seliciclib Nondilploid (p22) 1,4 26,3 C exon7 R249G 0 complex 5 Nondiploid (p27) 2,1 23,8 D exon5 H168P ++ complex 6 Nondiploid (p20) 1,2 16 A 0 0 complex 7 Nondiploid (p6) 1,4 9,8 A 0 deletion complex 8 Nondiploid (p22) 1,6 22,2 B(1/3C) exon7 Ldel252 1/3+ complex * ND = not determined Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 18F-FDG uptake The 18F-FDG uptake, expressed as counts per minute (cpm) adjusted for time, was
strongly correlated with the number of viable cells present, as illustrated in Figure 2. The correlations varied between 0.94 (LU-HNSCC 3) and 0.99 (LU-HNSCC 7). The null hypothesis of no difference in 18F-FDG uptake between the cell lines was evaluated in a linear regression framework (see Statistics) and according to this model, the predicted 18F-FDG uptake for 1,000,000 viable cells varied more than a factor 2, from 65,000 cpm for LU-HNSCC 3 to 133,000 cpm for LU-HNSCC 6. The null hypothesis of equal 18F-FDG uptake for this fixed number of viable cells could be rejected (p < 0.0001; F-test). Significant differences in 18F-FDG uptake between the cell lines (p < 0.01) was seen for all reference values from 50,000 to 1,500,000 viable cells and also in sub-group analyses excluding one of the two cell lines with non-overlapping ranges for number of viable cells. Figure 2 The 18F-FDG uptake, expressed as counts per minute adjusted for time, versus number of viable cells present for the six cell lines, scatter plot and fitted regression lines.