g examining individual CL/P phenotypes) [30] However, in terato

g. examining individual CL/P phenotypes) [30]. However, in teratology the economical point of view excludes the investigation of large population groups [95]; 6) In the studies devoted to zinc status assessments of the micronutrient were done in blood. Measurement of blood zinc as an indicator of zinc nutritional status is problematic in that only 0.1%

of the body’s stores are contained in the circulation [33]. Moreover, in interpreting findings on possible associations between risk factors and CL/P, we must remember that such associations from case-controlled studies may be due to factors of interest, but they may also be a result of a chance, bias, and confounding [34]. Different factors could cause the same anomaly when occurring during Alpelisib in vivo http://www.selleckchem.com/products/epacadostat-incb024360.html a specific window of susceptibility. Dosing and duration of the exposure of the fetus to an environmental factor may also be crucial [15, 96]. In summary, many genes and genetic pathways have been implicated in the development of CL/P. Etiological

heterogeneity and complex environmentgene interactions may be characteristic of abnormal palatogenesis. The most plausible scenario is that multiple candidate genes will be used to create genetic profiles or scores for CL/P risk, table 2. The diversity of embryological events that contribute to the formation of the facial structures is reflected in the large

number of genes known or suspected to be involved in clefting [97]. Some have been determined earlier in foreign populations and confirmed (e.g. IRF6, SUMO1) or not confirmed (e.g. FOXE1, MSX1) as CL/P candidate genes in the Polish population. BHMT2 is a new maternal candidate gene with relatively strong evidence. Presented data gave weaker evidence for ASS1 as a CL/P candidate gene. However, keeping in mind results from MDR analysis regarding the ASS1 rs666174 and SLC25A13 rs10252573, p values from comparisons of allele and genotype frequencies should Casein kinase 1 not be the only criteria used in assessing candidate genes. CL/P susceptibility loci at 8q24.21 is showing convincing consistency across studies, including our report [27]. Moreover, data provided in presented studies suggest the possible interaction between particular SNPs and metabolic responses to diets, table 1. The more we know about the genetic traits related to CL/P, the easier it will be to access individual risks. Folic acid supplementation in the periconceptional period can largely prevent the occurrence of spina bifida, and there is thus interest in other dietetic interventions that could reduce the prevalence of other structural malformations.

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