Finally, 16 educational sessions were held to inform all MICU nur

Finally, 16 educational sessions were held to inform all MICU nurses regarding sedation-related issues within the QI project. Third, Buparlisib ic50 execution of the project during the 4-month QI period involved the following steps: 1 Modifying the standardized MICU admission orders to change the default activity level from “bed rest” to “as tolerated. Fourth, evaluation of the project occurred on an ongoing basis during the QI period via weekly meetings of the multidisciplinary QI project team to discuss progress, barriers, and solutions. For all patients included during

the 3-month pre-QI period18 and the 4-month QI period, data from paper and electronic medical records were abstracted, and ABT737 relevant evaluations were completed as described in the following paragraphs. Patient baseline data including demographics, comorbidities (including the Charlson Index24), and severity of illness at ICU admission were obtained from the medical record. For included patients, the following data were collected on a daily basis while in the MICU: (1) benzodiazepine and narcotic drug doses received (converted to midazolam- and morphine-equivalent doses, respectively, using standard conversion factors25 and 26), (2) sedation

and delirium status (evaluated using the validated Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale23 and Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU27 instruments, respectively), and (3) patient pain status (based on MICU nurses’ routine clinical assessments using a standard 0–10 scale, with a Immune system higher number representing greater pain). The number of PM&R-related consultations and treatments occurring while each patient was in the MICU was collected. In addition, daily functional mobility activities conducted by PT and OT were recorded by the therapist using standard categories from prior related research.12 “Unexpected events” occurring during PT and OT (defined as cardiopulmonary arrest, loss

of consciousness, fall, removal of any medical device, or oxygen desaturation <85% for >3 minutes) were prospectively evaluated with each treatment. In order to evaluate any overall impact of the QI project across all MICU patients, hospital administrative data were evaluated. Specifically, the number of PT and OT consultations and treatments and the number of admissions and LOS for all patients receiving care in the MICU during the 4-month QI period and the same period in the prior year were obtained from by the Departments of PM&R and Medicine, respectively. Descriptive statistics including proportions (for binary and categorical data) and medians with interquartile range (for continuous data) were used to summarize individual patient-level data and the data collected on a daily basis during patients’ MICU stay.

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