Etiologic hypotheses were put forward by army physicians during the French Revolutionary wars (1792-1800) and the Napoleonic wars (1800-1815). They had observed that soldiers collapsed into protracted
stupor after shells brushed past them, although they emerged physically unscathed. This led to the description of the “vent du boulet” syndrome, where subjects were frightened by the wind of passage of a cannonball. The eerie sound of incoming shells was vividly described by Goethe, in his memoirs of the cannonade at the battle of Valmy in 17921 “The sound is quite Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical strange, as if it were made up of the spinning of a top, the boiling of water, and the whistling of a bird.” In the same text, Goethe gives an account of the feelings of derealization and depersonalization induced by this frightening environment: I could soon realize that something Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Autophagy inhibitor cell line unusual was happening in me … as if you were in a very hot place, and at the same time impregnated with that heat until you blended completely with the element surrounding you. Your eyes can still see with the same acuity and sharpness, but it is as if the world had put on a reddish-brown hue that
makes the objects and the situation still more scary … I had the impression that everything Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was being consumed by this fire … this situation is one of the most unpleasant that you can experience. The dawn of modern psychiatry The psychiatrist Pinel is often depicted as freeing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the insane from their chains; in his treatise entitled Nosographie Philosophique (1798), he described the case of the philosopher Pascal who almost drowned in the Seine when the horses drawing his carriage bolted. During the remaining eight years of his life, Pascal had recurring dreams of a precipice Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on his left side and would place a chair there to prevent falling off his bed. His personality changed, and he became more apprehensive, scrupulous, withdrawn, and depressive. From his experience
with patients shocked by the events and wars of the French Revolution, Pinel wrote the first precise descriptions of war neuroses – which he second called “cardiorespiratory neurosis” – and acute stuporous posttraumatic states – which he called “idiotism.” The Industrial Revolution and the introduction of steamdriven machinery were to give rise to the first civilian man-made disasters and cases of PTSD outside the battlefield. The public’s imagination was struck by the first spectacular railway disasters, and physicians at the time were puzzled by the psychological symptoms displayed by survivors. Very soon, a controversy pitted the proponents of the organic theory, according to which the mental symptoms were caused by microscopic lesions of the spine or brain (hence the names “railway spine” and “railway brain”), against those who held that emotional shock was the essential cause and that the symptoms were hysterical in nature.