Cell Culture Human bone marrow endothelial cells, supplied by Dr. G Almeida Porada , had been cultured in M199 media supplemented with endothelial cell growth supplement , 10% heat inactivated FBS, 1% penicillin streptomycin, two mM glutamax and heparin. Cells were sub cultured when 80 90% confluent working with 0. 05% trypsin EDTA. All cul tures had been maintained at 37 C inside a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere. Sepharose CL 6B enrichment of Recombinant PlnDI Recombinant perlecan domain I was ready as described previously. PlnDI was enriched by passage by means of a Sepharose CL 6B column , pre equilibrated with 50 mM Tris HCl buffer, pH 8. six con taining six M guanidine HCl and 0. 5 M NaCl. Fractions had been assayed for uronic acid by carbazole method , and protein by micro BCA assay. PlnDI purity was assessed by SDS Webpage and Western blotting.
Western Blotting PlnDI , untreated or pre digested with heparinase cocktail and or chondroitinase ABC, had been electro phoresed on three 8% Tris acetate gels , then transferred to nitrocellulose. Membranes were probed with anti PlnDI monoclonal antibodies diluted in phosphate buffered saline with 0. 1% Tween 20 , containing 3% BSA. this page Key antibodies were detected with anti mouse IgG secondary antibodies conjugated to peroxidase and visualized by incubation with enhanced chemiluminescence reagent , and exposure to film. Chondroitinase ABC and Heparinase digestion For chondroitinase ABC digestion PlnDI was incubated with chondroitinase ABC in 25 ul of one hundred mM L Tris HCl, pH 8. 0, containing 30 mM L sodium acetate and 0. 01% BSA at 37 C for 5 hrs.
For heparinase digestion, PlnDI was incubated with a heparinase cocktail in 25 ul of PBS containing four mM CaCl2 and protease inhibitors for twelve hours at area temperature. Immunoassays Reliable phase binding assays have been performed as described previously. For answer phase binding assays, PlnDI untreated, or pre digested using a heparinase cocktail and or chondroitinase ABC was pre incubated with twenty ng of VEGF165 in PBS containing 3% BSA, or 25 mM HEPES at both pH 8. 0, 7. 0, or 6. 0 , or 50 mM Tris HCl , PBS , 50 mM sodium acetate for one hr at room temperature. Samples had been subsequently blotted onto nitrocellulose, and blocked. Bound VEGF165 was detected with anti VEGF165 antibodies BSA in PBST. Principal antibodies were detected with anti mouse IgG secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP and visualized as described for Western blotting.
Binding was quanti fied by densitometry and expressed as mean density values from triplicate assays. Unique binding was determined by subtracting VEGF165 background from complete bound. Capillary Tube like Assay Development issue lowered Matrigel was additional to wells of ice cold 96 nicely plates for 6 sec onds. Excess was removed, leaving a thin coating. Plates were incubated for six minutes on ice, twenty minutes at area temperature, and ultimately warmed for twenty minutes at 37 C. Bone marrow endothelial cells were seeded in serum free RPMI 1640 media containing 1% penicillin streptavidin, two mM glutamax without having development dietary supplements. Right after cell attachment, the media was replaced with media containing a single or additional supplements.
For assays performed from the absence of cell surface heparin sulfate, human bone marrow endothelial cells had been cultured for 15 minutes under serum absolutely free condi tions in RPMI 1640 media supplemented with hepari nase cocktail. Such treatments temporarily take away much more than 95% of cell surface HS. Before seeding cells had been washed twice with RPMI 1640 media. To quantify tube like formation cells had been fixed paraformaldehyde just after 18 h, stained , then photographed using a SPOT CCD camera affixed to an inverted microscope outfitted for epifluorescence. 9 random fields, representing 80% of every very well, were analyzed for 3 angiogenic para meters, average tube length. When several tube like structures merged collectively or branched, the total length was calculated because the sum with the individual branches.