A two factor ANOVA (Group x Trial) was used to determine any diff

A two factor ANOVA (Group x Trial) was used to determine any differences in YoYo performance. Tukey tests were used for post-hoc analyses and effect sizes were calculated using Cohen’s d [17]. Statistical significance was accepted at the P ≤ 0.05 level. Results There was no significant difference

in the distance covered during the YoYo IR2 (P = 0.83; PLA: 1185 ± 216 m and BA: 1093 ± 148 m, d = 0.54) between the placebo and β-alanine groups prior to supplementation. There was a significant interaction effect (Group x Trial, P ≤ 0.001), with no difference for PLA (−7.6 ± 16.2%; post hoc P = 0.62, d = 0.43) and a see more significant improvement for BA (+34.3 ± 22.5%; post hoc P ≤ 0.001, d = 1.83) following supplementation (Figure 1). Figure 1 Distance covered during the YoYo IR2 for both supplementation groups pre (white bars) and

post (black bars) supplementation. *P ≤ 0.001 from pre supplementation. Performance changes ranged from −37.5 to + 14.7% in PLA, and +0.0 to +72.7% in BA. In total, 2 of the 8 players in PLA showed an improvement in performance, with the remaining subjects having a reduction in performance from −40 to −480 m. In comparison, 8 out of 9 players showed improvement in BA (+160 to +640 m), with the remaining player unchanged (Figure 2). Subject 17 in the BA group showed an unusually high increase Baricitinib in YoYo IR2 performance (+72.7%) Liproxstatin-1 mouse given that the response usually shown in response to pre-season training is 42%. Due to this, we removed this subject and then reanalysed the data, which did not change any of the study outcomes (Group x Trial, P = 0.001; BA: +29.4 ± 18.4%, post hoc P = 0.003). Figure 2 Individual response to supplementation in the placebo and β-alanine groups pre (YoYo 1) and post (YoYo 2) supplementation. Players supplemented from early to mid-season are indicated

by a solid line and players supplemented from mid- to the end of the season are indicated by a dotted line. In the group of players supplemented from early to mid-season, 2 out of 5 in PLA and 6 out of 6 in BA group improved YoYo IR2 performance. Of the remaining players supplemented from mid until the end of season, no one in PLA showed an improvement while 2 out of 3 in BA improved their distance covered. Discussion There was a clear effect of 12 weeks of β-alanine supplementation on the distance covered during the YoYo IR2 test. This is in contrast to previous research that has shown no effect of β-alanine on repeated sprint exercise [7–9], although these studies used exercise protocols consisting of performance tests incorporating periods of high-intensity and sprint activity of less than 60 s in duration, which are suggested to be unaffected by β-alanine supplementation [10].

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