A multivariate distance measure (a self-standardizing Gower metric) is used to quantify divergence amongst PFTs and also amongst PFT assemblages (Gillison and Carpenter 1997; Gillison 2002). For each sample, PFT richness can be expressed either as the number of species CHIR99021 recorded per PFT (species weighted) or as the total number of PFTs recorded independently of species (unique). Similarly, PFEs can be measured summatively either by unique
PFTs (PFT–weighted PFEs), or species for each OICR-9429 manufacturer sample plot. We used public domain VegClass© software (Gillison 2002) to compile and tabulate data. In the field each 40 × 5 m transect comprised eight contiguous, 5 × 5 m quadrats from which the data were analysed, again using VegClass©, to construct species:area and PFT:area curves as a measure of local sampling
efficiency (Gillison 2006; Tables S4, S5, S20, Online Resources). Vegetation structure comprised mean canopy height and projective cover, percent basal area for all woody plants using a Bitterlich method, Domin scale cover for woody plants and bryophytes, and mean furcation index (Gillison 2002, 2006). In addition, VegClass© was used to generate a plant functional complexity (PFC) index (Appendix S1, Online Resources). Cobimetinib clinical trial The PFC value is estimated as the total length of a minimum spanning tree distance passing through all PFT combinations (Gillison and Carpenter 1997; Gillison 2000). The PFC index provides a comparative measure of PFT variability, for example where two or more plots have the same PFT richness but differ in composition. Vertebrate fauna Ornithologists (two persons per site visit) identified birds by calls, referenced to standard audio
discs, during 90 min observations at dawn and dusk. Capture by mist netting was Fossariinae also undertaken during daylight hours. Small mammals were sampled in baited traps, larger mammals by direct observations (similar to those for birds) and from fresh droppings. Observations were made within an approximate 200 m radius of each base transect (Tables S8–S10, Online Resources). Full details of methods and critiques are given in Gillison (2000). Invertebrate fauna (termites) Methods used to assess termites differed somewhat between the two regions, although the area sampled (200 m2) was the same in both cases. In Sumatra, termites were extracted from mounds, plant litter and soil along a 100 m line transect of 2 m width adjacent to the vegetation transect, with one person-hour of sampling effort for each 5 m of the transect (Swift and Bignell 2001; Jones et al. 2003). In Mato Grosso, termites were sampled intensively mainly aboveground by two people for 2 h inside the vegetation transects (base transects).