1 Comparison of the ITS and the EF1-α phylogenetic trees: The phylograms resulted from RAxML analysis of a) ITS and b) EF1-α regions. The ML, MP bootstrap values ≥70 %, bayesian PP ≥ 0.75 are indicated above the branches. The trees are rooted with Diaporthe citri
(AR3405). The sequences of Di-C005/1-10 (green) were obtained from Santos et al. 2010. Ex-type and ex-epitype cultures are in bold Single gene analyses and comparison The ITS and EF1-α sequence alignment consisted of 548 and 369 characters respectively, with 78 isolates including the outgroup taxa. selleck products Phylogenetic trees obtained from maximum likelihood (ML), parsimony (MP), and Bayesian (BI) analysis were compared for the placement of each isolate, topology of the tree and clade stability. The topology of the ML tree inferred from RAxML was identical
to BI and MP trees with reference to the major subclades and is presented check details as Fig. 1 Alignment properties and model selections are shown in Table 2. The ITS phylogeny has limited resolution within the species complex often resulting in an inconclusive branching order and lack of bootstrap support at the internodes, resulting in two major clusters. Analysis of each region of the ITS sequences of Diaporthe eres with the reference
annotated sequence (KC343073) revealed an approximately 176 bp span for ITS1 and 161 bp for ITS2 region with the intermediate 5.8 s rDNA partition https://www.selleckchem.com/products/PD-0325901.html spanning approximately 157 bp. The differences within two ITS1 clusters were consistent although the two clusters were not completely congruent with the ITS2 region. We obtained two different isolates from a single ascospore and conidium (AR5193, AR5196) derived from two twigs of Ulmus collected at the same time from the same individual tree in Germany, where the field collections were made. Both of these isolates were determined to be D. eres based on morphology of the asexual and sexual morphs. However, the single ascospore-derived isolate Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase (AR5193) and the single conidium-derived isolate (AR5196) had different ITS sequences and were placed in different major groups in the ITS phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). However, they were determined to be the same species based on EF1-α and all other genes. Inspection of the ITS alignment also revealed that isolates can share similarity in the ITS1 and ITS2 regions both within and between species in this complex. The ITS1 region of Diaporthe vaccinii is identical to most of the isolates identified as D. eres.