A straightforward solution is to send individual samplers to each
beach, but the additional labor and vehicle costs in employing this strategy may limit the use of the method to high priority locations. Short Nucleotide Polymorphisms are DNA sequence variations occurring when a single GSK2118436 mouse DNA nucleotide in the genome (A, G, C, T) differs among individuals of the same species. For example the change of one nucleotide cytosine (C) to another nucleotide thymine (T) in a certain stretch of DNA would be a single SNP. SNPs can be used as biological markers to demarcate populations of individuals within a species. Recent improvements in the speed, cost and accuracy of next generation sequencing and associated bioinformatic tools are revolutionizing the discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Some SNPs can have very high information check details content for population structure analysis. Population genetic applications, such as conservation management, product traceability and forensic genetic analysis involve the assignment of individuals, or collections of individuals, to population of origin
based on their genotypes (Helyar et al., 2011). The cost of developing and genotyping large numbers of samples is still relatively high and likely to be beyond the means of many labs. However, sequencing costs are falling rapidly, and genotyping by sequencing (GBS) rather than using other SNP genotyping methods (e.g. Taqman, GoldenGate arrays, etc.) is close to general implementation. In the case of traceability of fish to population of origin (see FishPoptrace case
study below), it is not a matter of whether the technology is cheaper, but whether the technology is capable of answering the question being asked. SNPs are the first marker that are capable of assigning fish back to population of origin at all stages of the food chain at relatively fine geographic scales. Previous DNA based markers such as microsatellites provide Phospholipase D1 some resolution for assignment, but often at larger geographic scales. Genotyping SNP markers will become progressively cheaper over the next few years as new technologies are developed and existing technologies become more efficient. Genotyping using SNP markers is clearly more rapid than previous DNA based technologies such as microsatellites. High numbers of SNPs can be genotyped simultaneously using array based methods. Current custom SNP arrays can simultaneously genotype 1 million individual SNPs. Firstly, using SNP markers that are putatively under selection allows populations to be delineated on much smaller scales than were previously possible. Secondly, a big advantage of SNP markers over size-based DNA methods (e.g. microsatellites) is the digital nature of the outputs (presence or absence of a particular allele). This means extensive cross-calibration among labs is not necessary and results from published research can be easily compared.