5 and 6 Bark is the most utilized plant part

and is used

5 and 6 Bark is the most utilized plant part

and is used as a major constituent for the preparation of various formulations and most widely available is Ashokarista. Since the medicinal properties of S. asoca are being commercially exploited throughout the world to treat gynecological and other disorders. As all the parts have different pharmacological properties, in turn, all the different plant parts will have different chemical constitution. To strengthen this INCB28060 ic50 faith, it is necessary to develop discriminative analytical models for the authentication and quality control of raw as well as processed herbal drugs and to identify substitutes/adulterants. Ultra performance liquid chromatography [UPLC] coupled to quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer [Q-TOF-MS] is excellent technique to analyze multi-components Bortezomib molecular weight in the complex herbal extracts7 and 8 due to separation of compounds by UPLC along with accurate mass measurement, high resolution and ion separation due to Time of Flight.8 Rapid data mining procedures and aligning algorithms tools been used to process huge raw data generated from metabolome analyzes.9 These processed data have been used successfully in various pharmaco-physiological studies such as disease diagnostics,

drug discovery10 and human nutritional science.10, 11 and 12 Therefore, in the present study, UPLC Q-TOF-MS has been used to generate MS/MS data of various samples of Ashokarista and S. asoca. Non-targeted MS/MS data was processed for principal component analysis [PCA] and partial least square discriminant analysis [PLS-DA] for discrimination of much samples and analysis of most abundant metabolites

which can be used as biomarkers. Standard compounds lidocaine, D-camphor, 5-7-isoflavone, catechin and solvents i.e. acetonitrile, formic acid and water of LCMS grade were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. Three samples of each i.e. bark, regenerated bark, leaves and flowers of S. asoca were collected in February, 2012 from Botanical Garden of NRIBAS, CCRAS, [Dept of AYUSH], Nehru Garden, Kothrud, Pune. The collected plant materials were identified and voucher specimens [No. 207] kept at the medicinal plant museum of the Institute. The Ashokarista formulations of Baidyanath Pvt Ltd [Batch No 110085, mfg April 2011] and Dabur Pvt Ltd [Batch No BD1049, mfg Sept 2010] were purchased from authorized medical stores. Fresh plant materials [20 g each] were extracted overnight [at 25 and 70 °C] with deionized water [Direct-Q, Millipore] [1:1 w/v]. Extraction steps were repeated three times to ensure complete recovery of metabolites. Samples were filtered through 0.22 μ filters [Hi-media], lyophilized using a lyophilizer [Freezone 4.5 Labconco] and stored at −80 °C till further use. The plant extracts were reconstituted in LC/MS grade water [5.0 mg/ml] for further analytical studies.

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