4% of the flights to Australia from Thailand during this period. Eligible respondents were persons 18 years or older, departing on the day of interview. Transit passengers were excluded. The self-administered questionnaires were developed using simplified English and piloted at Sydney airport. The revised Nintedanib order questionnaire was translated into Thai, Chinese, and Vietnamese
and back-translated to ensure accuracy, and required 5 minutes to complete. Variables assessed included socio-demographic characteristics, travel characteristics, self-reported symptoms of infection, and social contacts on the day prior to departure. Contact with a febrile person and a range of activities suggestive of increased social contacts in the 2 weeks prior to departure were also collected. Symptoms assessed included fever, sore throat, diarrhea, myalgia, and rash. A definition of fever as a temperature >37.7°C
was given but no definition of other symptoms were provided. The Sydney sample was weighted to reflect the proportion of passenger departures to each destination using aviation statistics,17 Obeticholic Acid providing a representative sample of travelers departing Australia for destinations in Asia. No weighting was applied to the Bangkok sample. Data were analyzed using spss version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and missing data were excluded from the analyses. The chi-squared test was used to assess statistical significance in bivariate analyses, and we considered a p value of <0.05 to be significant. Variables with a significance of <0.25 were considered for inclusion in logistic regression analyses and adequacy of sample sizes for logistic regression modeling were assessed using a method
described by Peduzzi and colleagues.19,20 The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committees of the University of New South Wales, Australia (08254), and the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (3-2399-00051-49-4), as well as the relevant airport authorities. A total of 878 surveys was collected at Sydney airport with a response rate of 56%. Of those, 149 (17.0%) were excluded from the weighted analysis as the reported flight destinations were outside Asia or unknown. The 729 weighted Sydney surveys represent 0.08% of Unoprostone the total travelers departing Australia for a destination in Asia during the study period.17 The number of weighted respondents by flight destination is shown in Table 1. The majority of respondents were remaining in Asia (511/729, 70.1%), while 218 (29.9%) were also traveling to other regions, mainly in Europe. A total of 114 surveys were collected at Bangkok airport, with a response rate of 60%. The 114 surveys collected at Bangkok airport represent 0.8% of the total travelers departing from Thailand on flights to Australia during the study period.