111 The pathophysiology of interferon-induced depression is likely related to IFN’s induction of a key enzyme of tryptophan catabolism, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO).112 IDO activation has downstream consequences, including an increase in brain kynurenine, which correlates with depressive symptoms.112 Depression that emerges during HCV treatment with IFN-α is a dreaded complication that can lead to early treatment discontinuation.113 In one prospective study of 162 patients (who were regularly assessed with a self-rating depression scale [the Zung Self-Rating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Depression Scale] for the duration of a 24-week treatment trial), depression at baseline was
the best predictor of the eventual development of moderate to severe depression.114 Rapamycin clinical trial randomized trials of serotonergic antidepressants for prophylactic treatment of depression have shown mixed results, with most studies failing to show a clear benefit.115,116 However, it is reassuring to know that patients
who develop depression during Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical IFN-based treatment for HCV respond to initiation of an antidepressant agent.117 Antimalarial medications Among commonly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical employed prophylactic malaria regimens, use of mefloquine has most often been considered as (in prospective, randomized trials) a stimulus for depression. Van Riemsdijk and colleagues118 found higher depression scores and fatigue in patients randomized to prophylactic mefloquine in comparison to atovaquone plus chloroguanide. A four-arm trial comparing mefloquine, atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquineproguanil, and doxycycline revealed the highest rate of neuropsychological manifestations in the mefloquine arm, particularly among women.119 A more detailed analysis found similar mood profiles for all four treatment groups Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (with the exception of women using mefloquine, who showed more fatigue and confusion).120 This gender-specific vulnerability
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to side effects is consistent with a genetic study that examined polymorphisms in the MDR1/ABCB1gene (encoding for the efflux pump P-glycoprotein) and which found an association between a particular haplotype Electron transport chain and neuropsychiatric side effects of mefloquine that were limited to females.121 By contrast, one large, observational study was unable to confirm an increased risk of depressive symptoms associated with mefloquine when compared with prophylactic use of other antimalarials.122 Antifungal medications Amphotericin B (used for serious, systemic fungal infections like cryptococcal meningitis in immunocompromised patients) has been associated with acute CNS toxicity, including “delirium and depression.”123 Summary In a comprehensive literature review, Patten and Barbui124 identified only IFN-α and mefloquine as the anti-infective drugs that had good evidence for being a causative agent for depressive symptoms. To this list, we would add the antiretroviral, efavirenz.