11 and × 1 04 and became 32 2 and 143 4 nm Likewise, the AD was

11 and × 1.04 and became 32.2 and 143.4 nm. Likewise, the AD was down by × 1.11 and became 9.9 × 109 cm−2 as shown in Table 1. The HDH in Figure 3 (d-4) now became clearly over ±20 nm wide along with the increased height of Au droplets. The self-assembled Au droplets on GaAs (111)A with the T a variation between 400°C and 550°C showed quite excellent uniformity as witnessed in the symmetric round FFT power spectra of buy Gefitinib Figure 3 (a-3) to (d-3) and showed an overall increased size with decreased

density as a function of the T a. The size and density evolution induced by the variation of the T a can be simply explained with the following equation [36]. The diffusion length (l D) can be expressed as where D is the surface diffusion coefficient and τ is the residence time of atoms. D can be written as  D ∝ T sub where T sub is the substrate temperature, namely T a in this case. With the increased T a, the D proportionally increases and it results

in an increased l D. With the increased l D, the density of the Au droplets can be decreased, given the stronger bonding energy between Au atoms (E a > E i). In this thermodynamic equilibrium system, in order to keep the energy of the whole system in the lowest state, bigger droplets tend to absorb nearby adatoms to lower the surface energy, and thus, the size can grow larger and the density can be reduced until reaching the equilibrium.

Thus, this type of size and density evolution was witnessed in Ga and In metal droplets Repotrectinib supplier [35, 37, 38] and nanostructures [39–41] on various semiconductor AR-13324 molecular weight substrates. Figure 4 Summary plots. Plots of the (a) average height, (b) average lateral diameter, and (c) average density of self-assembled Au droplets on various GaAs surfaces at the corresponding annealing temperature between 400°C and 550°C. Table 1 Summary of AH, LD, and AD of self-assembled Au droplets   I T a (°C) 400 450 500 550 Average height (AH) [nm] (111)A 23.4 25.4 28.9 32.2 (110) 22.6 24.7 28.2 31.2 (100) 21.7 24.0 26.7 29.7 (111)B 19.9 22.3 25.2 27.8 Average lateral diameter (LD) [nm] (111)A 128.6 133.8 138.5 143.4 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase (110) 122.5 128 133.8 141 (100) 115 124.5 130.8 139.1 (111)B 106.2 115.5 123.5 133.1 Average density (AD) [×108 cm−2] (111)A 139 123 110 99 (110) 148 131 118 107 (100) 160 141 129 119 (111)B 173 150 140 132 The Au droplets were fabricated by annealing between 400°C and 550°C on GaAs (111)A, (110), (100), and (111)B. I, index of substrates; T a, annealing temperature. Figure 5 summarizes the evolution process of the self-assembled Au droplets on GaAs (110) induced by the variation of the T a between 250°C and 550°C, and similarly, Figures 6 and 7 show that on GaAs (100) and (111)B.

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