00 mol% Au/ZnO NPs:P3HT composite sensors offer excellent NH3 sensing performances with high response, short response time, and room-temperature Citarinostat operation. It should be noted that y-error bars of all data correspond to the statistical spread from five sensors of each composition with five evaluations. The statistical results show that fabricated composite sensors offer good repeatability
and reproducibility with maximum variation of less than 20%. Figure 8 Sensor response and response time. (a) Sensor response. (b) Response time versus NH3 concentration (25 to 1,000 ppm) of P3HT:unloaded ZnO NPs (4:1), P3HT:1.00 mol% Au/ZnO NPs (4:1), and pure P3HT sensors at room temperature. The enhanced gas sensing response of the P3HT:1.00 mol% Au/ZnO NPs (4:1) composite sensor may be attributed to the high specific surface area of P3HT surface-coated on granular Fosbretabulin nmr 1.00 mol% Au/ZnO, which enhances gas adsorption and interaction at the interface [13, 21, 36]. In order to distinguish the roles of ZnO and gold nanoparticles, the NH3 sensing performances of P3HT:ZnO loaded with Au (4:1) are compared with those of P3HT:unloaded ZnO (4:1) and pure P3HT as also demonstrated in Figure 8. It can be seen that the response of the P3HT
sensor is only slightly improved by the addition of unloaded ZnO at the mixing ratio of 4:1, while Au addition by loading on ZnO NPs leads to significant increase of NH3 response by almost an order of magnitude. In addition, the response time is also substantially reduced to a few minutes or seconds, while ZnO addition does not notably decrease the response time. Thus, Au plays a much more important role than ZnO NPs in check details enhancing NH3 response of the composite sensor. Moreover, it was found from our preliminary study that NH3 response of the P3HT:Au-loaded ZnO film increased monotonically see more as Au loading level increased from 0 to 1.00 mol%. Thus, if Au content increased further, the NH3 response should increase to an optimal point and then reduce due to particle aggregation. Further study will be conducted to determine the ultimate optimal Au loading level of the P3HT:flame-made Au-loaded ZnO film for
NH3 sensing and fully reported elsewhere. The gas sensing mechanism for the composite sensors may be explained on the basis of interactions between the sensing film and adsorbed gas. For pure P3HT, it has been proposed that NH3 can adsorb and donate a lone pair of its electrons to the pentagonal sulfur ring in the P3HT structure [22]. Electrons will recombine with existing holes in the p-type P3HT, leading to a resistance increase in agreement with the observed NH3 response. By adding unloaded ZnO NPs, the response is enhanced by a factor of approximately 1.5. This could reasonably be explained by the increase of specific surface area for gas interaction of the composite film by ZnO NPs. From the FE-SEM image in Figure 5, ZnO NP addition results in considerable increase of film porosity and hence the surface area.