130 expected new cases in United States for the 2007), encompasse

130 expected new cases in United States for the 2007), encompassed among highly vascularised tumors [1, 2]. Furthermore the common use of cross-sectional imaging method in clinical practise has

increased the detection of incidental small RCC [3, 4]. Minimally invasive treatments as cryoablation or radioablation have been proposed as a promising alternative to partial or total nephrectomy in selected cases, especially in patients Selleck CP868596 who are poor candidates for conventional surgical resection. Cryoablation of renal tumors can be performed at open, laparoscopic, retroperitoneoscopic surgery and with imaging guided (Computed Tomography, CT; Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI) percutaneous approaches. By the evidence of effectiveness in renal tumor constraining of these new thermal therapies, attention is focused to identify a reliable marker of early GSI-IX residual tumor and a feasible imaging monitoring protocol. Vascularity degree of RCC is known as a prognostic factor correlated with clinical and pathologic stage, metastatic risk and histopathologic grade and it is a significant predictor of disease-specific outcome after therapy [5]. Although a standardized and thoroughly validated method to evaluate tumor vascularity is not available, some biomarkers have been currently proposed

as indexes of tumor angiogenic activity. In particular, significant increase of micro vessel density (MVD) and high expression and secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), have

Geneticin supplier been reported in tumor tissue [6]. However, the serial evaluation of these biomarkers as indexes of tumor activity, needs multiple biopsies and is limited because of its invasiveness especially during a long-term follow-up. An ideal test should be non-invasive, fast, easy to perform, repeatable and reproducible, and most importantly, it should provide in vivo early evidence of residual tumor after therapy and comprehensive data of the tumor structure with informations on tumor angiogenesis functional status. New imaging modalities (MRI, CT) may be used to obtain informations about microvascular circulation Thalidomide and neoangiogenesis. CT is the imaging technique of reference in surveillance after renal tumor ablation as its ability to distinguish residual tumor (nodular enhancement within the ablated lesion) from successfully cryo-ablated lesion (hypoattenuating areas without focal contrast enhancement with progressive decrease in size). Therefore, deconvolution-based perfusion computed tomography (pCT) is a non invasive and fast new CT technology that allows measurement of tumor vascular physiology analyzing the time course of tissue enhancement using sequential CT acquisitions during bolus injection of a contrast medium. This technique generates functional maps and represents in a color scale pixel values the following perfusion parameters: blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), mean transit time (MTT) and vascular permeability- surface area product (PS).

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