Conclusions ACT for radically resected NSCLC is now part of the routine clinical approach to early NSCLC and DZNeP order is certainly contributing to the decrease in mortality observed in these patients in recent years. While many
important ‘technical’ questions, such as optimal treatment for Stage I patients, best platinum based combination, and optimal use of PORT to name a few, remain to be answered to further refine currently achievable results, the biggest challenge ahead is to better understand the underlying biology of the disease and to incorporate biological advances into clinical treatment algorithms. Ongoing adjuvant trials, such as the italian ITACA, will hopefully assess the role of pharmacogenomically ‘tailored’ ACT AZD5582 research buy to optimize the use of currently available classical cytotoxic agents; however, genetic and epigenetic this website drivers of early NSCLC must be clearly identified in order to generate a further ‘leap’ in the management of resectable NSCLC patients, both in terms of accurate prognostication and risk assessment and in terms of better prediction of sensitivity/resistance to specific targeted treatments. The ever growing knowledge on molecular pathways, cancer stem cell populations, and genetic/epigenetic programs regulating the invasive and metastatic phenotype will shed new light on the
right path to be undertaken in order to ensure the best treatment to each specific patient population. Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), and the Italian Ministry of Health. References 1. Crino L, Weder mafosfamide W, van Meerbeeck J, Felip E: Early stage and locally advanced (non-metastatic) non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol 21(Suppl 5):v103–115. 2. Pisters KM, Evans WK, Azzoli CG, Kris MG, Smith CA, Desch CE, Somerfield MR, Brouwers MC, Darling G, Ellis PM, et al.: Cancer Care Ontario and American Society of Clinical Oncology adjuvant chemotherapy and adjuvant radiation therapy for stages I-IIIA resectable non small-cell lung cancer guideline.
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