5–4 5 Gy (dose) Figure 2M–P presents the minimum growth rate (27

These data suggest that the cellular growth rate of the D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strain is dependent on the irradiation energy of the 12C6+ions. Significant differences in the effects of 12C6+ ions at the same doses were also observed. This suggests a strong dependence of low-dose effects on LET (Figure 2I-L). Figure 2 12 C 6+ -ions Epigenetics inhibitor of different parameters irradiation level and

its effect on the growth rate of D. natronolimnaea smgcc1.2736 strains cells in %. (A-D) 12C6+-ions were accelerated up to 30 MeV/u, and their LETs were 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm, with a dose rate of 0.5-1.5Gy. (E-H) 12C6+-ions were accelerated up to 45 MeV/u, and their LETs were 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm, with a dose rate of 0.5-1.5Gy. (I-L) 12C6+-ions were accelerated up to 60 MeV/u, and their LETs were 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm, with a dose rate of 0.5-1.5 Gy. (M-P) 12C6+-ions were accelerated up to

90 MeV/u, and their LETs were 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm, with a dose rate of 0.5-1.5 Gy. Effect of irradiation dose on productivity of D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 Different irradiation doses showed a notable affect on the growth rate and conidia aggregation in D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736. CX production in 1 L cultures of D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 mutants was, shown to be sensitive to irradiation dose

(Figure 3). Overall, for CX producing strains of D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 mutants, increasing the irradiation dose from the standard 0.5 to 4.5 APR-246 price Gy led to a considerable ID-8 decline in dry cell weight (BDW), from around 8.71 ±0.04 to 2.23 ±0.06 g L-1, respectively. The CX yield, however, showed an almost two-fold learn more increase from 8 ±0.9 to 12 ±0.2 mg L-1. To find the optimal 12C6+ irradiation dose for the process, a considerable amount of cell culture was carried out using similar irradiation experiments. Figure 3A shows that up to a dose of 4.5 Gy irradiation, the D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains productivity increases by almost six-fold. Optimal production of 0.81 mg L-1 h-1 was detected at a irradiation dose of approximately 4.5 Gy at an 80 keV μm-1 LET and 60 MeV u-1 energy level (Figure 3B). In contrast, 12C6+ irradiation with a LET of more than 100 keV μm-1, and energy level of greater than 45 MeV u-1 reduced the rate of production (Figure 3D). 12C6+ irradiation with LET (80 keV μm-1), energy (60 MeV u-1) and dose (1.5 Gy) led to perfect mycelial growth (Figure 3A). The increased irradiation dose of 12C6+ however led to a decrease in biomass in this strain (Figure 3). Figure 3B depicts the BDW and productivity of the strains with respect to different energy (45 and 60 MeV u-1) versus an irradiation dose with a LET of 80 keV μm-1. Productivity increased with increasing irradiation dose and energy up to 4.

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