Similar populations of immune cells

have also been observ

Similar populations of immune cells

have also been observed in the primate uterus and placenta during pregnancy.[72-74] Moreover, shared susceptibility to certain infections exists.[75] In addition, the high degree of sequence similarity between key human and non-human primate protein sequences has supported the use of anti-human antibodies in ELISA and other immune assays to examine the immune response in non-human primates. These factors have made primate models useful for the study of infection, immunity, and adverse pregnancy outcome. Mice have also been used extensively to model both maternal innate and adaptive immunity. There has been extensive study on the trafficking of cells across the maternal–fetal interface[76-78] and on the intricate MAPK inhibitor interaction between trophoblast and innate immune cells in gestation.[79, 80] While there are some differences in the phenotype of natural killer (NK) cells at the maternal–fetal interface,[81] and differences in the diversity of the MHC molecules expressed on trophoblast subpopulations in humans and mice,[82] both systems have been used to delineate specific mechanisms and paint a picture of NK cells as ‘educable’,[83, 84] supportive of placental

structure and development,[82] but potentially participating in disruption of pregnancy[85] (and see below). The mouse has also been used to examine maternal T cell regulation during pregnancy. As in the human, the pregnant mouse can generate a fetus-specific immune response,[77] including effector and regulatory T cells.[86, 87] see more An advantage to the mouse is the ability to vary the genetic difference between mother and fetus. For example, some strains of mice respond to the male antigen,

H-Y, and thus, maternal immunity can be studied in a situation where mother and fetus are genetically identical, except for the expression of proteins relevant to maleness. The so-called anti-H-Y response is generated in mouse pregnancy[77] and has been shown to shown modulate both CD4[88] and CD8[89] maternal T cells. Several genetically modified antigen systems have been used to examine maternal anti-fetal immunity in pregnant mice.[90] Although human but not mouse T cells can present antigen via MHC II, the mouse has also been used to examine fetal antigen-presenting cells during pregnancy.[91, 92] Integrated studies in mice and humans will likely increase our knowledge of the function of the immune system during pregnancy and reveal the presence and importance of specific pathways. Guinea pigs and humans have similar immune systems making them a useful tool in the study of relevant human infectious diseases.[93] Guinea pigs are extensively used in models of anaphylaxis and allergy.[94] Many tools are now available to examine the immune system in these animals.[95] The rabbit has also been used for a variety of immunology and infectious disease research.

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