, 2011). Loss to follow-up
is a potential source of bias. We examined this by comparing study participants (all of whom completed at least one follow-up survey) with enrollees who completed only W1 and who did not report diabetes (i.e., nonparticipants in W2 and W3). The study sample had a slightly higher proportion of males compared with the nonparticipants (62% vs. 59%), and fewer enrollees in the youngest and oldest age categories, though these two groups comprise less than 10% of the total population at risk at W1. Additionally, proportionally fewer non-white enrollees participated in the follow-up surveys. These underrepresented populations (especially older adults) tend to be at increased risk for diabetes. We also found the prevalence of PTSD at W1 to be higher in nonparticipants than in ABT-737 mw the study sample (18% vs. 14%), consistent with other reports of increased attrition among persons with PTSD followed over time (Koenen et al., 2003). These observations suggest that our findings are likely conservative. Our study found that overweight and obese BMI categories showed two of the strongest associations with new-onset diabetes, which was expected. We only measured BMI at W3 and thus were only able to assess BMI as a co-occurring condition and time-invariant predictor, and not as a risk
factor. However, it is very likely that the majority of overweight or obese enrollees at W3 were http://www.selleckchem.com/products/EX-527.html overweight or obese at earlier waves, as high levels of self-correlation have been observed between BMI measurements six years apart (Prospective Studies Collaboration et al., 2009). Second generation antipsychotics, which are often used off-label to treat PTSD (Bauer et al., 2014), have been associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome
and diabetes (Lambert et al., 2006 and Newcomer, 2007). Heppner et al. (2012), however, did not observe an independent association between second generation antipsychotic use and metabolic syndrome when controlling for PTSD severity. We were unable to assess the possible relationship Ergoloid between medication side effects and diabetes in the current study because the Registry has not collected detailed data on medication use. As a substantial proportion of our WTC-exposed cohort continues to experience PTSD over a decade after the disaster, the observation of a weak but statistically significant association between PTSD and diabetes warrants further investigation. Clinicians treating WTC workers and survivors as well as other disaster-affected populations need to be aware of this phenomenon, and to consider PTSD in addition to established risk factors when screening for diabetes. Future studies could use trajectory analyses to examine the subgroups in which PTSD symptoms resolve, and others in which they persist or worsen, in relation to diabetes risk. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interests.