The analysis of each variable was performed on the change from baseline values, using two tailed student ��t�� test. A ��P�� value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered statistically significant. In addition, the demographic variables were analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test. At each visit, patients were enquired about any complaints selleck chemicals Lapatinib that might have indicated an adverse drug reaction such as hyperemia, burning/ stinging, blurred vision, corneal ulceration and keratitis. Any such adverse reaction reported was recorded and analyzed. RESULTS Sixty patients (42 males and 18 females) with mean age of 10.26 �� 3.86 years (range 4-18 years) with clinically diagnosed acute SAC were enrolled in the study and evaluated for efficacy and safety of both the drugs.
Differences in demographic characteristics and medical histories were statistically non-significant between the two groups (P > 0.05) [Table 2]. No serious adverse events were reported during the study. Minor adverse reaction included initial burning and stinging on instillation of medication (Group A 6.67%, Group B 10%). However, this did not indicate the discontinuation of the therapy. With diclofenac treatment, the mean scores for all the signs and symptoms were significantly one grade lower at midweek and at the end of the study than baseline values (except for conjunctival mucous and keratitis). Mean values for itching decreased from 3.0 at baseline to 1.16 at the end of study. Evaluation of other ocular symptoms (e.g.
, burning / stinging, discharge / tearing, photophobia, foreign body sensation and swollen eye) at mid-week and at the study end showed lower mean values in diclofenac group than the ketorolac treated eyes [Table 3 and Figure 1]. For conjunctival inflammation, there was a significant treatment response favoring diclofenac over ketorolac at mid-week (P < 0.001) and study end (P < 0.001). The signs of lid oedema and conjunctival chemosis did not show much improvement after day, 3 and the values remained the same till the study end for both the groups. However, conjunctival mucous and keratitis did not show any improvement at all with any of the therapies [Table 4, Figure 2]. An evaluation of the therapeutic response at the completion of the treatment revealed that the number of patients reporting no change in signs and symptoms were more in ketorolac treated groups [Table 5].
Table 2 Pre trial, pretreatment patient characteristics: Group comparisons �C Demographics in the study Table 3 Summary of overall evaluation: Mean scores (symptoms) as seen in the study Figure 1 Symptom evaluation at day 7 in the study Table 4 Summary of overall evaluation: Mean Brefeldin_A scores (signs) seen in the study Figure 2 Sign evaluation at day 7 in the study Table 5 Evaluation of the therapeutic response at the end of study DISCUSSION Acute SAC is a condition accounting for 50% of the ocular allergies.