In a second step, the whole template cDNA and 450 ul 2x RT PCR master mix were adjusted to a total volume kinase assay of 900 ul by adding nuclease free water, and aliquots of 100 ul were pipetted into each fill port of a 384 well LDA. Cards were centrifuged twice, sealed, transferred into the 7900 RTQ PCR instrument Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and a specific RTQ PCR protocol was run over two hours using the 384 well LDA format. Two different LDAs existed, thus covering 738 human micro RNAs. This made it necessary to create two kinds of cDNAs suitable for each of both LDAs using different sets of primers. Normalization Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was performed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries using the median gene expression on each LDA separately, because this proved to be the more robust and slightly more precise method compared to a normalization approach using a house keeping micro RNA species provided on the LDA.
The median gene expression was subtracted from the CT value of each of the spotted genes, follow ing the CT quantitative approach for normalization purposes. Normalized gene expression results of cispla tin resistant cell lines were expressed relative to the genes measured in the paternal chemosensitive Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cell lines by subtracting the corresponding CT values. As a result, differential gene expression of cisplatin resistant cell lines was expressed as a several fold up or down regulation of micro RNAs relative to their paternal chemo sensitive origin. These ratios of corresponding cell line pairs are expressed such as e. g. NTERA 2 R NTERA 2. Only ratios 2 0. 5 were considered to represent differentially expressed genes.
All the materials and instruments used for RTQ PCR were ordered from Applied Biosystems, Weiterstadt, Germany. All technical Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries procedures were performed in accor dance to standard operating procedures imple mented in our laboratory in 2008 when the Institute became accredited according to DIN EN ISO 9001 2008. 5 Statistics Statistical measures were computed using SAS. Results Intermittently culturing NTERA 2, 2102EP, and NCCIT The coefficient of variation was chosen to describe the observed methodological, intra and interindividual variability of our three Trichostatin A (TSA) inde pendently performed experiments. Mean CV values of differentially expressed genes and associated interquar tile ranges appeared cell line dependent, showing increased mean CV values starting at 25. 3% in cell line pairs such as NCCIT R NCCIT, 30. 5% in NTERA 2 R NTERA 2, and 37. 4% in 2102EP R 2102EP cells. On aver age, mean CV did not exceed 30%. About 30 45% of the 738 microRNAs examined showed CT values within the linear dynamic range of the method. Altogether 72 of 738 genes appeared differentially expressed with 43, 53 and 15 genes found in NTERA 2 R NTERA 2, NCCIT R NCCIT and 2102EP R 2102EP cell line pairs, respectively.